Oh Snap! A catch up on our week...

on Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Can you believe we're half way through January already? Time has flown by crazy fast! I'm slowly getting back into things but I'd be lying if I said I was finding it easy to pick up where I left off. It seems like the Christmas rush was a million years ago, doesn't it? 
Last night we took down our our exhibition in Sofis bar which whilst we were sad to see it go we are super excited to see what comes in next. I never expected the show to be such a great success and we're both totally thrilled with how many prints we sold. I know I keep saying it, but we're so thankful for everyone who came down and showed their support, you're amazing! The upside is that our giant glasses are back, pride of place in Vivid HQ. They're possibly the greatest thing I own - I love that they get to go on tour! hee hee 

Being stuck in the house and in bed so much has totally made me pine for my travels! Being a total hoarder I have kept memory boxes full of ticket stubs and little tokens that I've picked up during my adventures which I find are really great to look back through for inspiration and a little pick me up. Today I had a sudden urge to look through all my Graceland memorabilia; I'm such a big Elvis nut and did the VIP tour when I went and it was totally brilliant.  I was super lucky to get to stay at the Heartbreak Hotel which genuinely is at the end of Lonely Street and it's got to have the best branding I've ever seen. I have very fond memories of swimming in their heart-shaped pool! I seriously hope I get to go back again one day, Memphis is one heck of a place :D

Reminiscing aside, so far my goals have been coming along well - I'm particularly enjoying my illustration a day project! I've been working on a few new print / card ideas which haven't been turning out how I've hoped, so it's been lovely to have a totally brainless side project to indulge in and distract me from feeling so frustrated with my fuzzy head. Whilst that side of things haven't been so successful, we do have something very exciting coming into the shop in the next couple of days :D Keep your eye out! And although I've not managed to get in a car yet, but I have started prepping for the theory test by seeing how much I remember through those mock tests. Turns out I know quite a lot which is nice! I need to brush up on little things like stopping distances and the anatomy of the car. Both topics I seem to find really hard to memorise! I found a free Theory Test app for the iPhone if anyone fancies having a go - there's surprisingly quite a few different ones available, so once I've done this a few times I'll probably swap to get some different test questions. It's a good way to keep myself entertained on the bus ;) 

I hope you're all making some headway with your new tasks and resolutions too!
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