Edinburgh Festival Adventures!

on Monday, August 12, 2013

We adore Edinburgh during the Festival. For 3 weeks of the year, our little city is crammed full of interesting people showing off their spectacular talents and anything can happen at any time! The Fringe Festival hosts thousands of comedy, theatre, dance and burlesque shows, the Book Festival welcomes writers and illustrators from all over the world and some of our greatest artists and makers participate in many craft and vintage markets throughout the town. Wish you were here? You bet!

This weekend we got the chance to go for a wander and take it all in. We went to see The Magnets who are a really awesome acapella group that harmonise and beatbox the songs we all know and love (you should check them out for sure!), hung around and people watched in our favourite venues and spent a fortune on books and cool stuff we found throughout our adventure!

I nabbed this beautiful book "Somewhere" from the Book Festival store, it's part of a series of books with equally awesome covers and I'm pretty certain their all going to end up on my bookshelf by the end of the month. The boat in the lightbulb is going to be sitting pride of place in our studio once we've redecorated (more on that soon enough!) I got it at the 2d3d arts & crafts market -- and I am very proud I got it home in one piece; it's so incredible :) Every weekend there is a cracking vintage and antiques market on at the Grassmarket and I'm really happy with these cute little forks and I scored a couple of vintage reels for my old school View-Master which was a real treat as they are hard to come by these days! One is of Paris and the other of the Queen's coronation. What more could a gal want?

If you get the chance to come up to Edinburgh, during the Festival in August is certainly the time to do it. The days are long and the nights are... well, pretty roudy, but absolutely amazing :D
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