Oh Snap! Images From Our Week

on Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Meet Señor Nacho! He is the newest member of the Vivid Please team and he is ready to party! Isn't he the weirdest but COOLEST thing you've ever seen? It's actually a giant tiki mug - his hat comes totally off his head (and brain!) and it's hollow inside for putting your boozy concoctions in. Pop his hat back on and there are holes in the top to put straws in! So cool. We're yet to put a drink in him, but we've eaten a lot of nacho's from the rim of his hat and we are pretty much mind blown by it :D

We also picked up this A.Mazing mermaid tiki mug over the weekend too. What a gem! I've got a fair collection of tiki stuff from our Hawaiian adventure and we're working our way to a properly tiki themed kitchen. My obsession first started when I visited the Jungle Room in Graceland a few years ago. If it's good enough for Elvis...

This weekend we had a mammoth amount of orders to make up and send out. Look at this pile! Sooo much washi tape happiness! It's like Christmas in our studio right now - tissue, tape, wrapping and string everywhere! I'm so happy :D The post office lady who had to sort it out was a little less enthusiastic about it all though ;)

Our name! On the board! That's right, we've got our exhibition launch night this Friday and I can't wait. I'll be posting a few pictures from the show afterwards so you can all take a wee look. If you're in Edinburgh and want to pop down to the event you're totally welcome! Check it out here

Ha! I just realised the day I bought all our new tiki goodies I was wearing my blue suede shoes :D Clearly I have been channeling the King recently. 
Uh Hu Hu...
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