5 Goals for 2013

on Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Whoa! It's 2013! What a great number... and fingers crossed, a blooming brilliant year!
This year I thought I would start off by sharing some of our goals on the blog. I'm hoping this will encourage us to work harder to achieve them, as so often you start the year with the best of intentions and forget come March... Mind, if this post goes missing for some reason, you'll know why!

1. Create a website. We have this incredible blog and our Etsy shop, but we feel like it's about time we made things a little more official. Don't worry, we're not going to get rid of anything, we're just going to make it better! 

2. Take Vivid Please on the road! One of our big goals last year was to start doing stalls. I'm proud to share that we managed to do several and had a total blast along the way! This year our plan is to go one step further and take Vivid Please out of town! We'd love to see how our products go down in different places and we'd love to discover more great markets to talk about on the blog along the way too. So, if you have any suggestions for great markets around the UK, we'd love to hear about them! If we can, we'll come to a town near you :D

3. Grow as a business. Last year we got approached by magazines, websites and shops to grow our business and this year we're hoping to make an even bigger splash. We'd like to try and get more work published and have our products stocked in a lot more places, so we're going to focus more time and energy on specifically that. One day I'd love to see our work in our favorite places and write for magazines. Anything's possible, right?!

4. Get organized! I'm not going to lie to you, I'm completely unorganized 90% of the time. Whilst I do  get a lot of things done, it's usually done at a ridiculously unhealthy stress level. That picture there is of my new HANDBAG sized diary. And I plan to keep it on me at all times. I tend to pick out massive diaries with a page a day, but I can never be bothered to lugg it about with me, so things never get written down in it. Not this year! I'm going to make a big effort to keep on top of things by writing it all down. Combined with a good clear out of the studio, I bet I'll be ready to take on the world!

5. Have More Fun! This year we are going to make a big effort to have way more fun. Dressing up more, spending more time with friends and family and taking many more breaks are going to be a big priority. Running your own business tends to mean working most of the time and it can become easy to let things slide on the social side of things. With better planning of our workload, we're going to make the most of our downtime and really enjoy everything we do :) Here's to more cakes and parties! Yay!

I'm looking forward to fishing out this post at the start of 2014 and discovering how many things we managed to achieve successfully. If not, I'm hoping for some excellently funny failure excuses! Haha!

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