Style Me Friday - Christmas Wish List!

on Friday, December 21, 2012

With Christmas just around the corner I thought I would share some of our top picks on our Christmas  wish list. We've been very good this year so we're hoping we've made it on the Nice List and have our fingers, (and toes!) crossed in hope of finding some of these goodies under our tree this year!

I've had my little heart set on these Nebula earrings since the wonderful Peaches & Pebbles created them. Gorgeous, aren't they? Being a space nut, I'm an avid collector of space (and specifically moon) themed treasures. They're the perfect way to add a little galaxy love into my everyday wardrobe :)

Space aside, my other passion is vintage style. I've just discovered the new line of make up by Dita Von Teese for Art Deco and it is to die for. Her 'vintage' line of cosmetics comes in the most beautiful gold packaging and if you're a pin up gal like me, you'll know how important the right shade of lipstick is. Dita does not disappoint! I'd like two of everything please; one for my dresser and one for my handbag ;)

We don't care if you think it's cliché; we're from Scotland and we love tartan! This white tartan scarf from James Pringle is possibly the most rock and roll thing we've seen all year and the perfect boyfriend scarf to be stolen on a cold and windy day! 

No man would be complete without some killer headphones! These earmuff's have the headphones hidden inside, meaning you can keep warm and keep the tunes blasting when you're out and about. Brilliant, right? We both bought some stupidly expensive Urbanears headphones last year and they didn't last very long at all. We've learned that spending a fortune doesn't always get you the best gear, so for us, cheap and practical is the way forward. FYI, these Skinnydip ones are £15... and are currently on sale for £8 :D

This year our top pick for homeware is this collection of tins created by our favorite designer, Wayne Hemingway. Creator of the infamous British Vintage festivals, we adore his retro style and can't get enough of these kitchen accessories. We think Vivid HQ looks incomplete without them; we drink so much tea and coffee we know they will be going to a good home if they come to ours! 

Last but not least on our Christmas Wish List is the first season of our favoirte tv show, New Girl. This is how we plan to spend Boxing Day should we get it. New-Girl-A-Thon and leftover sandwiches. You're totally invited to come round and get involved too if you bring some popcorn ;)

We hope you've managed to get all your shopping done... I know I still have a few cheeky items to go!
Good Luck!

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