Celebrating Christmas...

on Friday, December 7, 2012

Are you ready for Christmas? Because it is going to be here before we know it!
So much planning and organisation goes into just one day of the year, but it's always worth all the effort put in. One of the things we love the most about Christmas is discovering how others spend theirs. Today I thought I would share a little insite into how we celebrate the big day :D

Getting up early isn't really an option on Christmas day, is it? We have our whole family come round (at least 20 people!), so to say there is plenty to get on with is quite the understatement. Between excitement of opening presents under the christmas trees and cooking a ridiculous amount of food, rising at dawn is a must ... as is setting an awesome alarm clock to get the job done!

As you know, we are massive fans of Lego, and we love a good build-a-thon. Keeping everyone entertained whilst we're trying to put the finishing touches on Christmas dinner is really important in our house, so naturally we reach for our favorite toy to distract everyone from the kitchen madness. I'm not sure what the world was like before we had lego games but I bet you it wasn't nearly as fun!

Trying to eat as much as humanly possible is pretty much the aim of our day. Food is the most important thing about Christmas if you ask me, as I am addicted to roast dinners - particularly potatoes and cranberry sauce - which we are often all fighting over by the end of the day. It doesn't matter we've made enough for an army, we still fight over the last scraps! We like to celebrate as a family so  everyone brings something round and I'll be helping my mum pull it altogether. Mum's are phenomenal with cooking for so many people, aren't they? Where would we be without them? 

Having eaten a shameful amount of food, we like to have a mess around on the Wii to burn off some of that energy. Having so many people round on the Christmas day makes wii games a staple in our house - people of all ages can make a fool of themselves and it's always such a good laugh... Bring on the post dinner dance off! It's not often you get so many relatives in the room at one time these days, so we find doing something interactive is our favorite way to spend the afternoon. We always end up with a new in-joke for next year's celebrations when we're messing about :D That's always a winner!

Getting rid of family at the end of the day is always tricky business at our house. Everyone has so much fun eating all the festive treats and playing all the games that they don't want to go home! And then there is the epic amount of clearing up to be done - somehow every plate and cup in the house seems to have made it out of the cupbords and into our kitchen sink :S Winding down with a lovely hot bath at the end of such a great day is how we like to spend our evening. The more festive the bubbles the better! Having such a fun day is super exhausting, isn't it? Ahh well, at least it's only once a year...

Excited? Us too :D
We hope you've found a little joy and inspiration from our little insight on the big day. I'm looking forward to the christmas shopping and the bake-a-thon that awaits me, not to mention all the roast potatoes I'm going to be stuffing in my face. Hooray!

We'd love to hear how you spend your Christmas and all about your family traditions. Do you spend the day playing games with all your family? Or do you all prefer to watch festive films? Perhaps you even go to a restaurant instead of cooking yourself? Everyone seems to have their own perfect day, which is why this holiday is so fantastic :D

Happy holidays everyone!

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