DIY: How to Make Clay Christmas Decorations and Gift Tags

on Monday, December 3, 2012

I saw something similar to these tags in my favourite shop Anthropologie and really wanted to make some for our tree this year. Clay decorations seem to be popping up everywhere at the moment - so simple and charming it's hard not to love them :)

This diy is super easy to do and takes hardly any time at all. Best of you'll probably have most of the things you need at home already! 
All you need is some polymer clay (eg, sculpy or fimo, or even normal clay if that's all you have at hand) 
a brush and paint (acrylic works well)
some cute string for hanging
a rolling pin and cookie cutters
and something to make holes for the string (a toothpick / pin / straw etc) 

Start making your decorations by rolling out your clay with the rolling pin till it's a few millimeters thick. Then, using your cookie cutters, cut out lots of cute shapes. If you're feeling particularly creative, you could do this free hand with a clay knife or draw out your own templates with paper and a pen to use as a cutting guide. Go wild!

Once you have lots made in different shapes and colours, stick a small hole into the top of each one. You'll need this for threading your string through to hang them, so don't forget to do it and make sure the hole is big enough for your thread (or ribbon)!

Done? Great, now stick them in the oven. Ours went in at 130 degrees celsius for 20 minutes, but be sure to check the instructions on your clay packet to make sure you bake them right. Too hot or too long and they'll go brown like cookies!

When they come out and have cooled off, get arty and start painting them up! You can use stamps for some cute patterns or something circular (like the end of your brush) to make even sized polka dots like we have. You could even create little penguins out of painted thumb prints if you fancy -- a lot of fun if you're making them with kids! 
Don't forget you can also use a fine brush or even a paint pen to add on festive and kind words to brighten up your day. There is just so many ways to work these you'll never get bored!

When they're all dry, all you need to do is loop through your ribbon or thread and hang them to your tree. These make lovely personalized gift tags too, so if you're going to any dinner parties this festive season, be sure to sprinkle a little bit of handmade love into your hostess gift - it'll go down a treat!

We hope you have lots of fun making your decorations :D We'd love to hear what you think or what you plan to decorate yours with!

Happy Making!

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