Abandoned Artworks By Lori Nix

on Monday, April 16, 2012

We are in love with Lori Nix and her incredible images of abandoned places!

From salons to launderettes, bars and offices, stores and libraries, these photographs of hauntingly empty and destroyed places have us mesmerized. So calm after the chaos; just fascinating!

But these images are not what you would expect at first glance.
They are actually dioramas! Yup, Lori has painstakingly made each and every one of these beautiful spaces herself, and each one takes around 7 months to make. Crikey!

Talking of her work and inspiration, Lori explains 'It takes about seven months to complete a diorama, but I'm working on two to three at a time. I make about three new images a year if I'm lucky and focused.' 
'I grew up in the middle of the United States, in a town called Norton, Kansas, which is in the middle of nowhere. The only thing that happens there is extreme weather. As I child I experienced tornadoes, floods, blizzards, and seasonal insect infestations. This has led me to explore the notions of danger, disaster and ultimately apocalyptical imagery. I also grew up in the 1970s, a time when dystopian cinema was at its zenith. As a six year old, I remember watching movies such as the Planet of the Apes, Towering Inferno, The Poseidon Adventure, Soylent Green and Logan's Run. These movies had a profound impact on my world outlook. I've taken my experiences with weather, combined them with my memories of these movies and have created the photographic series The City. Living in New York City has led me to appreciate incredible architecture, especially interior spaces. All of these inspirations have come together for this series, a photographic project I began in 2005 and continue to explore.'

Crazy impressive, right? Lori has opened up a whole new world of inspiration for us. It's great to see how watching films and having crap weather all the time can influence your work in different ways. We would never have imagined creating something as awesomely epic as these masterpieces! 

If you love Lori Nix as much as we do, click the link to check out her website. Any lucky readers based in Toronto, Canada will get the chance to see some of her work exhibited this summer. Lucky beans!
Enjoy :)


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