This year I've made a resolution to send a lot more handwritten notes through the post. As you'll probably know, I adore receiving snail mail. Surprises in the post are possibly the greatest gift ever! To get fully in the spirit of the challenge and to spread the love, we've created two special boxes of notecards for our shop too...
Each box contains 10 different cards. They're all blank inside and come with their own envelope - all you need is someone to send them to!
Both boxes contain 2 geo and 2 scalloped patterned cards which are perfect for all occasions and one of our 'We Lost Count' birthday cards - I've found it's always useful to have a birthday card to hand as I'm terrible at remembering dates!
The first set also includes our classic marshmallow Fluff jar and vintage hair salon illustrations, our 'I Think You're Wheely Special' bicycle illustration, and two new designs - one with the phrase "Ever notice that 'what the hell!!' is always the right decision" and the other with 'All fur coat and no knickers"! hee hee
The second set includes our classic Tamagotchi illustration, bunting on the moon and our 'Just because you rock doesn't mean you're made of stone' cards as well as special cards made with our 'Let's Dance' waltz footsteps illustration and our best selling 'I Pugging Love You' pug dog as a greeting card...
Aaaand each box is emblazoned with our brand new Snail Mail stickers too :D You have no idea how happy these stickers are making me right now! hee hee!
We'd love to hear what you think!
And if anyone's running trades for getting post / sending letters / surprise gifts / pen pals or any kind of snail mail projects we'd love to check them out!
Post us your links lovelies :D
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