Happy Lei Day everyone!
The first of May is celebrated as Lei Day in Hawaii and I am super excited to get to be a part of this years celebration! With lots of beautiful music, hula dancing and parades I'm certain it's going to be a blast. I may even try making my very own Lei with real flowers!
I thought I would share a few facts that I've just discovered about the beautiful garlands... today's the perfect day after all :D I've always had a soft spot for these fresh 'floral necklaces' but I never knew much about their origin or what they're actually about.
I thought I would share a few facts that I've just discovered about the beautiful garlands... today's the perfect day after all :D I've always had a soft spot for these fresh 'floral necklaces' but I never knew much about their origin or what they're actually about.
Lei are a universal language in Hawaii and can signify many different things. Each island has it's very own special Lei. According to Hawaiian legend, the very first lei was made of lehua flowers and given by Hi'iaka, goddess of healing to her sister Pele, the goddess of fire and volcanos.
Despite what we all think, you should never wear a lei hanging directly downwards around your neck. The correct way is to wear them so they are hanging equal lengths over your front and back. And you shouldn't wear a lei intended for someone else, no matter how tempting! It will bring you bad luck... especially if they find out ;)
Finally, my favourite fact of all:
When your finished wearing your lei, don't throw it in the trash. You're supposed to untie the string and return the lei's natural elements to the earth (eg scatter flowers and burry seeds etc).
On O'ahu it's believed that if passengers throw their lei into the sea as their departing ship passes Diamond Head, and they flowers of their lei float back toward the beach, they'll be guaranteed to return to Hawaii someday. I'm definitely going to try this :D
Here's a little video to bring some Hawaiian spirit into your day :) It's no "Single Lady" by Beyonce, but it's certainly a catchy tune!
Happy Lei Day lovelies!